With our new meeting facilities working well, there was lively discussion about how to ‘recover’ from not having space for the past few months prior.
PARTICIPATE! — Before covering more ‘routine’ matters, since we have such a great facility available, we talked a lot about how to encourage new members of all ages to join us for some fun! We will be talking to local universities and schools, etc, just to let folks know we are stable and active. If you have ideas or time to put toward this goal, please let someone know!
It was agreed to eliminate Wednesday night meetings for now since attendance has been better on Tuesdays.
Officers were elected and all offices stayed the same except that Paul Bartron was elected to serve as Vice President now that Joe Lazarus has moved cross country.
After covering finances, we approved ‘bumping’ memberships two full months because we did not have a place to meet. If your membership used to renew in month 4 (April) it will now renew in month 6 (June) on the same date.
We talked about tournaments… We will still have several tournaments, of course, but we may have more of the ‘economy’ tournaments, which are more about having fun than prize money. They will still be Grand Prix events and rated, but entry fees will stay low and we won’t have big prizes.
We also addressed the need for all tournament players to be a club member. This is an insurance requirement so everyone who plays in any of our events will automatically be given a one month membership as part of their entry. Club members will be discounted this amount off the entry fee.
We may have some new tournaments upcoming – stay tuned!